Delivering results to people in need 11.05.2018

In 2017, there has been significant progress in implementation of the HIV grant, with 9 out of 17 reportable indicators either meeting or exceeding 100 per cent of the annual target. The TB grant implementation has also shown progress, with 6 out of 14 reportable indicators either meeting or exceeding the annual targets by the end of 2017. Over the year, the malaria grant has supported mass distribution of 1,502,666 (100% of target) and continuous distribution of 1,987,865 (102% of target) long-lasting insecticidal bed nets (LLINs).

There has been significant progress in implementation of the HIV grant, with 9 out of 17 reportable indicators either meeting or exceeding 100 per cent of the annual target in 2017. 102,922 people living with HIV were receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) (113% of the planned target for the year) at the end of 2017. Read more about the HIV programme achievement in 2017.

The TB grant implementation has also shown progress, with 6 out of 14 reportable indicators either meeting or exceeding the annual targets. In 2017, 130,414 (84% of the annual target) TB patients were notified and enrolled on treatment. The treatment success rate was 88 per cent. Read more about the TB programme achievement in 2017.

The malaria grant has supported mass distribution of 1,502,666 (100% of target) and continuous distribution of 1,987,865 (102% of target) long-lasting insecticidal bednets (LLINs) in 2017. Over the year, parasitological testing was conducted on 2,185,077 suspected malaria cases in public health facilities, with all suspected malaria cases (100%) presenting to the health facilities receiving a parasitological test. Read more about the malaria programme achievement in 2017.