“We want to ensure that management is aware of its responsibilities for prevention and detection of fraud, and for establishing procedures for both preventing fraud and detecting it when it occurs,” explains UNOPS-PR Finance Officer Khin Nyein Thit, during a two-day financial reporting and internal controls workshop organized by UNOPS-PR in Yangon (13-14 December).
More than 70 participants attended the workshop, from Medical Action Myanmar (MAM), Myanmar Anti-narcotics Association (MANA), Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC), Myanmar Health Assistant Association (MHAA), Myanmar Medical Association (MMA), Pyi Gyi Khin (PGK), Population Services International (PSI), Save the Children, The Union, World Health Organization (WHO), the Local Fund Agent (LFA) and UNOPS-Cambodia, UNOPS-Lao PDR and UNOPS-PR.
Partners were very interested in presentations and actively took part in the discussions on various examples of fraud in procurement, invoicing, etc., complemented by practical group-exercises on identifying risks that are prone to fraud, and sharing each other’s experiences. Partners were eager to apply the knowledge and skills in their day-to-day implementation, to ensure efficient implementation of the programmes supported by the Global Fund.