On this World AIDS Day, marked each year on 1st December, we would like to highlight our continued commitment and the key results we delivered to date in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Myanmar.
UNOPS is a Principal Recipient of the Global Fund and is working with the Government of Myanmar to accelerate the end of the HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria epidemics in the country. Under the Global Fund, UNOPS provides grants to the Government, national and international NGOs and UN Agencies. The grants from the Global Fund have allowed those most in need to better access prevention, care and treatment for HIV, TB and malaria.
From 2011 to 2019, the HIV grants have achieved the following:
- 166,173 people receiving antiretroviral therapy
- 24.4 million+ needles and syringes distributed to drug users
- 77.9 million+ Numbers of condoms distributed to Key affected populations
- 21,644 number of PWID on opioid substitution therapy
From January to June 2020 only, the grant contributed the following results;
- 166,173 people receiving antiretroviral therapy
- 4.2 million+ needles and syringes distributed to drug users
- 7.2 million+ Numbers of condoms distributed to Key affected populations
- 21,644 number of PWID on opioid substitution therapy
Through the partnership with the Global Fund, UNOPS has assisted the Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS) in managing US$ 614 million worth of Global Fund grants over a ten-year period (2011–2020). UNOPS was again selected as a Principal Recipient (PR) to manage the new funding of US$ 327 million for the continuation of HIV, Malaria and TB programme implementation in Myanmar over the next three-years period (2021 - 2023), with the total funding of US$ 128 million for HIV/AIDS.