HIV Programmatic Achievements against Targets in 2014

The cumulative results for 2014 are shown as a percentage of the annual target. Sex workers, MSM, PWID reached, HCT, and TB status assessed indicators are funded by GFATM only, while the others are funded by “GFATM and other donors”.

There has been significant progress in implementation of the HIV grant, with 12 out of 14 reportable indicators achieving more than 100 per cent of the annual target by the end of 2014. The ART targets were exceeded, with 39,118 people living with HIV receiving ART (104% of the planned target for the year). ART services have expanded and currently there are 70 ART centres and 65 decentralized sites nationwide.

Similarly, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) services were expanded to cover 286 townships nationwide. In 2014, 555,025 out of 845,623 pregnant women who visited antenatal clinics consented to HIV testing, and 518,312 (nearly 136% of target) received the test results. These achievements in the PMTCT programme are the results of commitment, training, continued advocacy and community mobilization.

The ‘100% Targeted Condom Promotion’ (TCP) programme was implemented in 45 townships in 2014 and has been expanded to 55 townships in 2015. Nearly four million condoms were distributed to key populations through the TCP programme, which reached 9,599 female sex workers (126% of target), 2,635 (110% of target) men who have sex with men and 6,990 (108% of target) people who inject drugs with HIV prevention activities, including through peer education and community outreach strategies.

The Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT) programme was expanded to 35 sites and will reach 41 sites in 2015. Almost 8,000 MMT clients have been enrolled by the beginning of 2015. Advocacy has resulted in seven MMT sites being able to provide one-stop services.

The Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association (MANA) has been providing drug users with a comprehensive harm reduction package of prevention and care services in five project locations, through which 1,630,186 needles and syringes and 571,416 condoms were distributed.

The first Integrated Bio-Behavioural Surveillance survey and population size estimates (IBBS/PSE) of people who inject drugs was completed in 2014 and is now at the final report preparation stage. Further IBBS/PSE of female sex workers and men who have sex with men are to be carried out in 2015.

In order to support Department of Health M&E systems strengthening at sub-national levels, State/Region Data and M&E Coordinators will be recruited through Pyi Gyi Khin with funding from the Global Fund special initiative to strengthen Country Data Systems.