TB Programmatic Achievements against Targets in 2013

The cumulative results for 2013 are shown as a percentage of the annual target. TB/HIV indicator (collaborative sites) is funded by “GFATM and other donors” while the others are funded by GFATM only.

TB grant implementation has also shown significant progress with four out of seven reportable indicators meeting or exceeding the annual targets. In all, 142,170 TB patients were notified and treated in 2013 – of which 44,737 were new smear positive – as a result of improved case finding, accelerated by the training of Basic Heath Staff (BHS) and the increased involvement of partners implementing Public-Public-Mix.

Similarly, treatment success rate (TSR) was 85 per cent. The number of MDR-TB patients enrolled on second line drugs has far exceeded the programme target, and this success is attributed to the increased resources, training of clinicians, WHO technical assistance and supportive supervision. TB/HIV activities have expanded and 12,144 TB patients now know their HIV status and have this recorded in the TB register. The programme maintained its performance in strengthening the network of laboratories and improving laboratory quality.