TB Programmatic Achievements against Targets in 2014

The cumulative results for 2014 are shown as a percentage of the annual target. TB/HIV indicator (collaborative sites) and MDR-TB treatment indicators are funded by “GFATM and other donors” while the others are funded by GFATM only.

TB grant implementation has also shown significant progress with six out of eight reportable indicators either meeting or exceeding the annual targets. TB control service coverage has been expanded to 330 townships by early 2015. In 2014, 141,944 TB patients were notified and enrolled on treatment, of which 50,119 were smear positive. This achievement is a result of improved case finding, accelerated by the training of Basic Heath Staff (BHS), active case finding and the increased involvement of partners implementing Public-Public-Mix. The treatment success rate (TSR) was 86 per cent.

Considerable achievements were made in the case notification and enrolment on treatment of multi-drug resistant MDR-TB cases. In 2014, 2,276 MDR-TB patients were notified (130% of target). This success was made possible through commitment from the Government and its partners, and robust diagnosis of MDR-TB cases aided by completion of GeneXpert equipment installation in 38 townships at district level.

To improve data management for MDR-TB, an electronic recording and reporting system for drug stock management has been initiated in the field and e-GeneXpert reporting was piloted in Yangon and Mandalay.

TB/HIV activities also expanded in 2014, when 56,133 (103% of target) TB patients were tested for HIV and learned their HIV status. A TB/HIV evaluation meeting led to agreement of TB/HIV coordination activities for HIV counselling and testing, co-trimoxazole prophylaxis and TB/HIV reporting.

The TB grant is implemented by the National Tuberculosis Programme and other key partners including the Myanmar Medical Association (MMA) working through its network of general practitioners; the Myanmar Health Assistant Association (MHAA) working through community-based activities; and the UNION working in key health facilities and on active case finding. MMA will expand its MDR-TB patient support activities into 11 new townships in 2015. MHAA will expand its current activities into seven new townships in Mandalay Region and Rakhine State in 2015. The UNION will also expand its active case finding activities into two new townships and MDR-TB support activities in 10 townships in Sagaing, Magway and Shan regions in 2015.