“I will definitely collaborate more with our health financial clerks to get better results.” – Daw Moe Thidar, Lady Health Visitor (LHV), South Okkalapa Township, MOHS.
“We will work as a team together with health staff to make our healthcare programmes more successful.” – Daw Nilar Nyunt, Lower Division Clerk (LD), Latha Township, MOHS.
“We learned many important things, and are eager to attend any future financial training.” – Daw Khin Mar Htwe, Midwife (MW), Dagon Township, MOHS.
“We will share knowledge with those who did not yet have the chance to attend.” – U Aung Sein Phyo, Lower Division Clerk (LD), South Okkalapa Township, MOHS.
“I now know what I had not learned before. It is very useful.”– Daw Swe Swe Nwe, Midwife (MW), Ahlone Township, MOHS.
“I got the chance to explain how workplanning is done in accordance with programme implementation, and I am grateful for this.” – Dr May Thinzar Kyi, Public Health Programme Officer, UNOPS.
“We get the chance to practise workplanning. It is very useful.” – U Soe Win, Lower Division Clerk (LD), Lanmadaw Township, MOHS.
“I am involved as a facilitator in the TOT as well. I find that all participants are very motivated and eager to learn. We noted some training areas that they may find difficult, to improve in future trainings.” – Dr Khin Sandar Aung, Deputy Director, North District Health Department, Yangon Region, MOHS.
“MCF-SOPs have been regularly updated well over the years and they seem so perfect now that they may not need any further update. They are bilingual, clear and concise, making it easy for anyone to understand. I would like to thank UNOPS for the support to organize the training successfully.” – Dr Khin Nan Lon, Deputy Director (Disease Control), Yangon Region Health Department, MOHS.
“Although I am working for UNOPS, I already feel like I am part of MOHS. The MCF-SOPs have been updated based on the experiences and challenges of on-the-ground implementation over these years. Thanks to all for their motivation and participation.” – Daw Khin Khin Htwe, Finance Officer, UNOPS.