“This is the best platform for all stakeholders to share their real-time experiences in the field in relation to their problems in the collection, distribution and storage of drugs in their respective warehouses”, said Mr Brajesh Singh, UNOPS International Logistics Officer.
In order to strengthen the capacity of partners in logistics management, the PR has formed a Logistics Management Strategic Advisory Group (LMSAG), which will review the pharmaceutical stock situation around the country and share best practices. The Group's aim is to collectively come forward with solutions and best practices to strengthen logistics management based on challenges and lessons learnt that were gathered following discussions with all national staff and partners involved in logistics management during Logistics Management and Information Systems trainings conducted nationwide during 2012 and 2013.
“This is the best platform for all stakeholders to share their real-time experiences in the field in relation to their problems in the collection, distribution and storage of drugs in their respective warehouses”, said Mr Brajesh Singh, UNOPS International Logistics Officer.
Since it was established, three LMSAG meetings have been held – in December 2013, March 2014. The group is expected to meet once every three months. Members of the LMSAG include logistics officers and those in charge of the warehouses from the National AIDS Programme, National Tuberculosis Programme and National Malaria Programme, as well as from the other Sub-recipients: Pyi Gyi Khin, Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association, the Union (IUATLD), Myanmar Red Cross Society, Myanmar Medical Association, Myanmar Council of Churches and Myanmar Health Assistant Association. Representatives of other stakeholders in supply chain management in Myanmar also attend, such as WHO, Supply Chain Management System and Clinton Health Access Initiative.
At the first LMSAG meeting at UNOPS office in December 2013, members were introduced to the aims of the LMSAG and draft Terms of Reference were proposed, which were formally adopted following discussion with all Sub-recipients. The main focus of the second LMSAG meeting in March 2014 was on the Global Fund’s recommendations for the storage of drugs in warehouses and inventory automation. An inventory management software that was developed in-house was presented, followed by a discussion on the software’s features, during which feedback was provided on how to make it more user-friendly.