A poem about TB health education 15.06.2016

Poem by U Kyaw Tint Community Facilitator Myanmar Health Assistant Association's (MHAA) 'Stop TB Fight TB Together Project' Myithar Township, 2016

We need not be frightened by TB
For you can be completely cured with TB treatment (for six months)


TB is caused by a germ

It spreads from person to person through the air

The TB bacterium is an Acid-Fast Bacillus (AFB)
The bacilli will damage the lung’s alveoli

When capillaries in lung alveoli are damaged
Patients have symptoms of cough with blood

If the alveoli are destroyed
Oxygen cannot enter the body
If the body cannot get enough oxygen
Tissue cells will die

The patient will lose weight and become wasted
There are germs in the coughed-up blood
The germs can infect anyone who comes into contact

We need not be frightened by TB
For you can be completely cured with TB treatment (for six months)

Comply with the TB treatment as prescribed
You will be completely cured

You can be cured of TB if you get a timely sputum test if you have a prolonged cough