The procurement for the 2015 requirement of all key health products was completed in time and goods were delivered as scheduled.
The forecast for 2016 was also completed in mid-2015 and Global Fund approval received.
As part of the in-country quality monitoring of pharmaceuticals, samples of different products were taken from various storage points and sent to TUV Lab Singapore for quality control testing.
Logistics Management Information Systems (LMIS) trainings were provided to New Funding Model—SRs (Myanmar Council of Churches, Myanmar Medical Association – Malaria, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Myanmar Medical Association – TB, Pyi Gyi Khin, Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association, Myanmar Health Assistant Association and The International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease) and RAI—SRs (Myanmar Medical Association – Malaria, American Refugee Committee International, Medical Action Myanmar, Medical Emergency Relief International, Community Partners International and Shoklo Malaria Research Unit). Mapping of medical equipment procured under Global Fund grants has been initiated.
Renovation of the National TB Programme Central Warehouse was carried out in 2015, which included installation of a fire alarm system.