Key populations at higher risk of HIV infection, including men who have sex with men (MSM) and sex workers (SWs), are often socially marginalized, which may limit their access to healthcare services.
To address the particular needs of key populations, a tailored package of services is being provided through Pyi Gyi Khin key population service centres (KPSC). Drop-in-centres have been transformed into 23 KPSC, which are operating with support from the Global Fund.
“Services at our KPSC include prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, HIV prevention, testing and treatment services, and referral for individuals with TB co-infection,” explained U San Win Htun, Pyi Gyi Khin area officer for Pathein.
Social issues related to HIV risk behaviours also increase vulnerability to HIV and it is important to facilitate and improve access to healthcare services. “Our peer educators and counsellors provide education, explain health rights and build trust, which helps to promote uptake of services,” he added. Their efforts contribute to delivering services successfully through KPSC.