Sub-recipient Review Meeting – 2018 26.05.2018

Deputy Director General Dr Thandar Lwin with responsible officers from the national programmes/MOHS, UNOPS and partners implementing the Global Fund TB grant, after the review meeting in Nay Pyi Taw, 2018.

Deputy Director General Dr Thandar Lwin with responsible officers from the national programmes/MOHS, UNOPS and partners implementing the Global Fund TB grant, after the review meeting in Nay Pyi Taw, 2018.

A three-day review meeting to discuss implementation status under the Global Fund grants was held in Nay Pyi Taw (23–25 May 2018). The meeting provided a platform for interactive discussions to share and review with all partners the status of implementation of the Global Fund grants (January to March 2018).


A three-day review meeting to discuss implementation status under the Global Fund grants was held in Nay Pyi Taw (23–25 May 2018). The meeting was organized by the PR in collaboration with the AIDS, TB and malaria (ATM) national programmes, and participants were sub-recipients (SRs) of the Global Fund grants under the new NFM grants (2018-2020). The responsible officers from the ATM national programmes attended the meeting together with technical partners from the World Health Organization, PR, and all SRs.

The meeting provided a platform for interactive discussions to share and review with all partners the status of implementation of the Global Fund grants (January to March 2018) including presenting achievements, identifying challenges and risk areas that need support, gathering lessons learnt and discussion to come forward collectively with practical and appropriate solutions for the identified areas.

After interactive discussions among the partners, the meeting was successfully concluded with a list of recommendations to improve implementation and build on success for the way forward.

The review meetings are held regularly with partners implementing the Global Fund grants in Myanmar, under the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Sports and with guidance from the AIDS, TB and malaria national programmes.