Training on ‘Planning, Budgeting, Managed Cash Flow, Procurement Principles and Government Financial Rules to MOHS Staff at the State and Regional Levels’ 24.11.2018

Dr Htay Lwin, Deputy Regional Public Health Director, MOHS, Yangon Region, with officials from the Ministry of Health and Sports, UNOPS and participating government health staff from Yangon Region, November 2018.

Over 1,200 government health staff from 17 States and Regions across Myanmar, attended training on topics related to financial management. The training organized by UNOPS-PR in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sports, aimed to promote the financial management capacities of health staff in the National Health System and to strengthen the health system. 

Following on from the financial management training for government health staff held in November 2017, a training on ‘Planning, Budgeting, Managed Cash Flow, Procurement Principles and Government Financial Rules to MOHS Staff at the State and Regional Levels’, was organized by UNOPS, in collaboration with the National Disease Control Programmes (AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) and under the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS).

The aim of the training was to build the financial management capacities of officers working in the National Health System, and thereby to strengthen the health system.

The trainings were held in a series of 21 batches of two days from 14 September–24 November, in 17 States/Regions across the country, with more than 1,200 government health staff taking part.

Dr Tun Myint, Deputy Director General, Regional Health Department, MOHS, Yangon Region, opened the last batch of the training (23-24 November). The Regional and State Health Directors, Deputy Directors, District Medical Officers, Assistant Directors, Township Medical Officers, Regional Officers, Team Leaders, basic health staff and financial personnel, together with the responsible officers from the MOHS, National Programmes and UNOPS-PR attended the opening session.

Similar trainings have been held in recent years (2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017). This year, financial clerks dealing with fund management are also involved together with basic health staff.

Dr Tun Myint, Deputy Director General, Regional Health Department, MOHS, Yangon Region, delivered an opening speech, followed by an opening remark by Mr Albert Lancita Concepcion, Public Health Programme Specialist, UNOPS-PR.

Participating health staff from across the country were very interested in individual group-work and discussion sessions, and they got the chance to share their experiences, improve their financial management skills and learn from these enriching discussions.

The training received more than 97 per cent attendance rate, which showed the trainees’ strong motivation and involvement.