
Trained Nurse Kim Hua Hau of the National AIDS Programme (NAP), Hakha Township, Chin State, which is situated in the remote western corner of Myanmar. People there have limited access to quality healthcare services due to the remoteness of the place and their low income status. Global Fund supported programmes are providing HIV, TB and malaria prevention, treatment and control services to many vulnerable people in remote rural parts of Chin State, including Hakha Township. Photo: UNOPS
Health staff need regular capacity building for their motivation, which will improve the quality of healthcare provided to vulnerable rural...
Dr Thein Htike, Pyi Gyi Khin centre officer, Aung Lan Township
HIV testing lets people know their status, but all people who test HIV-positive must have access to antiretroviral therapy (ART). In Myanmar,...
Key affected populations are becoming more involved with HIV prevention, care and support services being provided through Pyi Gyi Khin Magway Key Population Service Centre (KPSC), supported by the Global Fund. Photo: UNOPS
For a successful response to HIV, sex workers must have access to HIV prevention, treatment and care services, but trust and confidence are...
Dr Aye Myat Thu Zar, Pyi Gyi Khin Shwe Bo KPSC officer
Effective advocacy can push people to seek HIV services. Supported by the Global Fund, advocacy and counselling by Pyi Gyi Khin Key Population...
Yangon Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Pharmacist, Thinzar Win together with UNOPS-PR Quality Assurance Associate, Ei Thu Han, taking samples of pharmaceuticals procured with Global Fund support, which will be sent to accredited lab  for quality testing, as part of the in-country quality monitoring system and Photo: UNOPS
Poor quality and substandard drugs can increase the risk of treatment failure and drug resistance in the fight against malaria, AIDS and TB. To...
Daw Inn Inn Hlaing takes a dose of anti-TB medicine, administered as directly observed treatment by a community TB volunteer during a home visit
On World TB Day, we would like to showcase the dedicated service of community TB volunteers in the fight against multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) in...
More than half of Myanmar’s multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is notified in Yangon, and the vast majority of cases originate in one of four...
Dr Tun Myint, Regional Public Health Director, MOHS, Yangon Region, delivers an opening address at the training on ‘Planning, budgeting, managed cash flow, procurement principles and government financial rules to MOHS staff at the state and regional levels’, Yangon, 24 November 2018. Photo: UNOPS
With the guidance and close collaboration of the national programmes/Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS), a series of 21 batches of two-day...
U Nyi Nyi Aung takes a dose of anti-TB medicines, administered as a directly observed treatment by a Pyi Gyi Khin community TB volunteer
U Nyi Nyi Aung lost hope when he was diagnosed with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), but got his life – and health – back on track thanks...
Partners at the financial reporting and internal controls workshop, Yangon Photo: UNOPS
Ensuring all people have access to the quality healthcare services they are entitled to requires efficient implementation of healthcare programmes,...
Dr Zaw Myint, Regional Officer and Senior Consultant TB Specialist, National TB Programme, MOHS, and Dr Faisal Mansoor, Head of Programme, Dan Magambo, Financial Management Specialist, UNOPS-PR, together with UNOPS-PR Field Finance Assistants at the half-yearly review meeting in Yangon.    Photo: UNOPS
Regular review meetings are essential to promote collaboration and enhance peer-to-peer learning. UNOPS Managed Cash Flow Unit (MCFU) regularly holds...
The Union, a long-standing partner in Myanmar, serves HIV patients as specialist health care providers. Recruiting people living with HIV (PLHIVs) to...
